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is a global community of educators using the finest technology to provide an immersive English learning experience with an interactive curriculum






case study

Academic Product Manager

Leader of QA & UX teams

  • Student (passive)

  • Teacher (active)



  • Internal overhaul of Curriculum 1.0

  • Implementation of teacher managers

    • Skype emergency line

    • Email inquiries

    • Slack messaging

Both Users reported

  • errors in the curriculum

  • inconsistency of lessons

  • communication concerns

  • connectivity issues

Value Proposition

In order to boost sales and effectively turn trials into regular customers, these problems must be addressed. Ideally this solution comes sooner than the release of version 2.0, which promises more interactivity and a mobile app. Please note that users, however, do not require these tech advancements quite as much as they require materials that are free of mistakes like spelling errors, misleading translations, or confusing images, which affect language acquisition and class negatively. This is also an opportunity to consistently brand lessons with the YiYiEnglish logo, making the marketing efforts such as the sticker give-away more successful.

Project Timeline

week 1
  1. UX - Gather User info/data from teacher interviews and observe the recorded classes

  2. Meet with Stakeholders

    • China team - Sales Operations & Marketing

    • NYC team - Operations, Product, & Design

  3. Negotiate fair budget and timeline for project completion

  4. Brainstorm and prioritize specific guidelines and goals for the project

  5. Create tasklist, workflow and roadmap 

weeks 2-3

Challenge = Staffing


  1. Create an internal opening for teacher managers and editors

  2. Develop training materials for the new positions

  3. Interview and hire up to a dozen TMs and 3 editors to join team remotely

  4. Introduce new hires to NYC team to prepare them for the overhaul project

  5. Assign preliminary tasks for new hires to ramp up and build momentum

week 4
  1. Finalize Overhaul Planning -360 lessons currently in use daily

  2. Human Resources planning & Operations brainstorm

    • Teacher Managers or Editors for this task?

  3. Finalize Design guidelines

    • typography

    • graphics

    • consistent branding

  4. Plan sprint meeting and kick off the project with select resources and guidelines

  5. Create a private Slack thread for the Teacher managers on the task. Pin related documents

weeks 5-6
  1. Provide a new database for storage of lessons

    • Dropbox preferred

      • PPT files

      • Dropbox

  2. QA - Assign editors to proofread lessons as they are completed. Safely store both a .pdf and PPT version for future use

  3. Release lessons from version 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 for UX testing internally with staff

  4. UX - Gather results for each iteration and meet with stakeholders once again to collect the corresponding data and evaluate solution results

Design Guidelines

Color Scheme

Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 4.28.43 PM.png


R: 112

G: 112

B: 112



R: 191

G: 30

B: 46


Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 4.00.15 PM.png
Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 4.34.32 PM.png


R: 255

G: 255

B: 255



R: 232

G: 232

B: 232


Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 4.24.21 PM.png
Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 4.31.10 PM.png


R: 0

G: 0

B: 0



Combined logo.png
YiyiEnglish NEWPLUS-01.png
combined logos-01.png

Project roll-out was seamless even though it was live: files were replaced in the exact same folders, with the same file names, from which they were taken to be updated. Class continued without any adverse reactions to this change. 



User Insights


case study

under $15k

  • Teacher Managers

  • Editors

  • UX team



  • the consistency of graphics improved

  • noticeably nicer fonts - teachers approve

  • more interaction possible with simpler images

  • fewer confused faces in class

  • "the taco/burrito/omelette is gone!! finally!"​

What's the ROI? - Less Teacher Turnover, Fewer Complaints, Smoother Transition to 2.0

Considering many experienced teachers and schools team up with YiYiEnglish for the curriculum (it's included, so it's a major selling point) improving this iteration has supported all scaling up measures. 50 new teachers were added in the first month and new B2C relations are blossoming. We've begun to showcase our lessons on our website in order to market the quality and consistency. 


Secondly, fewer errors in material content and imagery have made it so WAY LESS curriculum complaints arrive in the inbox, the skype hotline, or even on Slack. Previously, the few teachers that left the organization did so over academic concerns which have now been addressed. Yay team! Great work!


Last but not least, version 2.0 is rolling out slowly to only certain users (new YiYiKids only) which means many older users will finish their current unit before moving on to the new content. This update provided the seamless transition for this to happen over the next weeks.

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